Csaba Biró is research assistant at the Faculty of Informatics of Eötvös Loránd University and associate professor at the Faculty of Informatics of Eszterházy Károly University. He has been teaching programming languages, software
technology, mathematical logic, and information theory. His research interests include complex networks and SAT/SMT/OMT problems. He is an author of 70 papers with 132 citations.
G. Kusper, Cs. Biró, A. Adamkó, I. Baják: Introducing w-Horn and z-Horn: A generalization of Horn and q-Horn formulae. ANNALES MATHEMATICAE ET INFORMATICAE 52 doi:10.33039/ami.2021.03.009 (2021)
G. Kusper, Cs. Biró: Convert a Strongly Connected Directed Graph to a Black-and-White 3-SAT Problem by the Balatonboglár Model. ALGORITHMS 13 : 12 p. 321 (2020)
G. Kusper, T. Balla, Cs. Biró, T. Tajti, Gy. Z. Yang, I. Bajak: Generating Minimal Unsatisfiable SAT Instances from Strong Digraphs. 2020 22nd International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing (SYNASC), pp. 84-92. (2020)
Cs. Biró, G. Kusper: Some k-hop Based Graph Metrics and Node Ranking in Wireless Sensor Networks. ANNALES MATHEMATICAE ET INFORMATICAE 50 10.33039/ami.2018.09.002, 19 p. (2019)
Cs. Biró, G. Kusper: Equivalence of Strongly Connected Graphs and Black-and-White 2-SAT Problems. MISKOLC MATHEMATICAL NOTES 19 : 2 pp. 755-768. , 14 p. (2018)
G. Kovásznai, Cs. Biró, B. Erdélyi: Puli – A Problem-Specific OMT solver. In: 16th International Workshop on Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT 2018)