András Halbritter, a doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) is professor at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) leading the Department of Physics at BME and the Condensed Matter Physics MTA-BME research group. He accomplished his PhD work in 2003 at BME under the supervision of Gyögy Mihály developing a new nanoelectronics laboratory for the investigation of atomic and molecular nanowires in a break junction arrangement. Later his interest in atomic and molecular electronics was complemented by the investigation of atomic-scale resistive switching memories. In the former topics he had a key role in the developement of novel data analysis techniques applying correlation analysis and machine learning approaches. In the field of resistive switching memories, he has implemented quantum transport measurement methods from the field of mesoscopic physics. He published 49 peer reviewed papers in international journals with >750 citations.
Selected publications:
Noise Tailoring in Memristive Filaments,
B. Sánta, Z. Balogh, L. Pósa, D. Krisztián, T.N. Török, D. Molnár, Cs. Sinkó, R. Hauert, M. Csontos, A. Halbritter,
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 13, 7453 (2021)