Laszlo Szunyogh is full professor at the BME and head of the Department of Theoretical Physics. In the early stage of his career he was the main inventor of the Screened Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker (SKKR) method. This code has been used by several international research groups in Europe, in the US and in Japan. He also developed several utilities attached to this code, such as for the calculation of electric and optical transport properties in terms of the Kubo formalism, magnetic interactions in terms of the torque method and finite temperature magnetism in terms of the relativistic ‘Disordered Local Moments’ scheme. The most significant results that have been achieved by using the SKKR program package are related to a very detailed analysis and understanding of magnetic anisotropy effects at ordered and disordered metallic surfaces, interfaces and multilayer systems, of the oscillatory interlayer coupling, of magneto-transport phenomena (GMR, TMR, AMR) and of spin-reorientation phase-transitions. He also initialized the extension of the SKKR code with the Embedded Cluster Green’s Function (EC-GF) method and with ab initio spin-dynamics to explore the complex magnetic states of nanostructures. Recently, he focused on the ab-initio and multi-scale investigations of non-collinear magnetic textures thin magnetic films like domain walls and magnetic skyrmions, and of finite nanostructures deposited on metallic and superconducting surfaces. He was awarded the Royal Society Fellowship, the Bolyai Research grant, the Szechenyi Professor grant, the Szechenyi grant, the Szentágothai János grant for advanced researchers, the Physics Prize of the HAS and the Mercator Professorship by the DPG.